Adding Your Practice to the Community
Follow these steps to add your practice to the MediRecords Community:
1. Click More and select Settings
2. Click Subscription Details
3. Click Practice
4. Click the Tick-box next to the name of the practice being added
5. Click Edit Practice
You are able to modify the following information about your practice:
- Practice Logo: Adds a high definition image that best represents your practice (Image should be 400 x 400px)
- Marketing: This allows your practice details to be visible in the MediRecords Patient App and Online Appointment widget.
- Services: Let your clients know if your practice offers Bulk Billing and/or Out of Hours services.
- Keywords: Choose keywords that are relevant to your sub specialties. These are words that your fellow providers or patients may use to find you.
- Biography: Include any other information you would like to about your practice.
Click Save to apply the changes.
The practice has now been added to the MediRecords Community.
If this is not what you're looking for, head back to our knowledge base and search for another article.
For urgent assistance, please contact MediRecords Support on 1300 103 903 during business hours.