The MediRecords App has been designed so that patients can review their results in real time as they are added to their clinical record.
In certain instances, doctors may prefer to discuss results face-to-face, particularly in cases where the results contain sensitive information about the patient's condition. Marking a result as Confidential will stop it from being seen on the MediRecords App. You can use this method to both stop new results being sent to the MediRecords App, and to hide visibility of existing results.
Follow these steps to stop new results being sent to the MediRecords Patient mobile app:
- Open the patient record;
- Navigate to the Clinical tab
- Select Investigations from the menu at the left
- Ensure you are in the Results screen
5. Open a new results form to add the new results to the patient's record;
6. Complete the form with all the required details;
7. Click the Confidential tick-box;
8. Click Save to complete.
The new results have been marked as confidential and will not be sent to the MediRecords App.
Follow these steps to stop existing results being seen in the MediRecords App:
- Open the patient record;
- Navigate to the Clinical tab
- Select Investigations from the menu at the left
- Ensure you are in the "Results" section of Investigations;
- Click the Tick-box next the name of the result, and click Edit;
- Click the Confidential tick-box;
- Click Save to apply the changes.
The results have been marked as confidential and will no longer be visible in the MediRecords App.
Quick Steps -
1. Select Patient
2. Clinical tab
3. Investigations
4. Results
5. New results (for a result from start) or tick the checkbox next to the result already existing
6. Tick the box marked Confidential in the popup and save