Follow these steps to add a new past pregnancy:
- Open the patient record
- Make sure you are in the "Clinical" tab
- Make sure you are in the "Obstetrics" section
- Make sure you are in the "Past Pregnancies" section
- Click New Past Pregnancy to open the new pregnancy form
- There are three tabs at the top of the form - New Past Pregnancy, Outcome, and Births
- All three of these tabs contain a form that will need to be completed
Section 1: New Past Pregnancy -
- Fill in the details of the Pregnancy #, Provider and Hospital
- Select a Gestational Age estimate -
- a) For age by LMP, click the Gestational Age by LMP tick-box and complete the form below
- b) For age by Scan, click the Gestational Age by Scan tick-box and complete the form below
- The Pregnancy Details section is auto-filled once the gestational age has been selected
- If conception was achieved by IVF, click the IVF Pregnancy tick-box
- To make the record confidential, click the Confidential tick-box
- Add details of Gravidity, Miscarriages, Parity and Terminations
- Click the Outcome tab at the top of the form
Section 2: Outcome -
- Complete the outcome form with all the details about the outcome of the birth
- At this point there are two options -
- a) If the birth was unsuccessful, click Save to complete the form
- b) If the birth was successful, click the Births tab at the top of the form
Section 3: Births -
- Add details of the baby's name, weight, gender, etc. to the form
- To create a patient record for the baby, click the Create Patient Record tick-box
- Click Add to add the birth record to the pregnancy
In the cases of twins or multiple births, use the same process to create additional birth records
8. Click Save to complete
The pregnancy has now been added to the patient's past pregnancies.