Follow these steps to create a new current pregnancy:
- Open the patient record
- Make sure you are in the "Clinical" tab
- Make sure you are in the "Obstetrics" section
- Make sure you are in the "Current Pregnancy" section
- Click New Current Pregnancy to open the pregnancy form
- Fill in the details of the Pregnancy #, Provider and Hospital
- Select a Gestational Age estimate
a) For age by LMP, click the Gestational Age by LMP tick-box and complete the form below
b) For age by Scan, click the Gestational Age by Scan tick-box and complete the form below
8. The Pregnancy Details section is auto-filled once the gestational age has been selected
9. If conception was achieved by IVF, click the IVF Pregnancy tick-box
10. To make the record confidential, click the Confidential tick-box
11. Click Save to complete
The new current pregnancy has now been created.