Follow these steps to add a new hospitalisation:
- Open the patient record
- Make sure you are in the "Clinical" tab
- Make sure you are in the "Hospitalisations" section
- Click New Hospitalisation to open the hospitalisation form
Enter the Date and select when the date is Accurate To
Click Hospital and type in a Keyword from the hospital name. The system will display a list of the closest matches from your contact list. Click to select the Hospital Name. If you cannot find the hospital you can use free text.
Click Stay and select the number of days the patient was in hospital
Click Type and select the type of patient they were for the visit
Click Provider and type in a Keyword and select the provider from the list
Click Reason and type in a Keyword and select the reason from the list
Click Procedure and type in a Keyword and select the procedure from the list. You can also use free text on any of these fields
Click Comments and add any relevant comments
13. Click Save to apply the changes
The new hospitalization has now been created.