Letter Templates are used for your company letterheads, medical certificates, referral letters, invoices, and more. Maximize your workflow efficiency by uploading a preexisting PDF, adding mail merge fields, and personalise it to suit your practice.
Resources - Letter Templates
In this article, you will learn how to create, edit and manage letter templates on MediRecords.
To access your letter templates, open the Resources page (click More > Resources) and click Letter Templates.
The Letter Templates page displays a summary of all the letter templates that have been published by MediRecords and the clinicians that contribute to the MediRecords Community. From this page, you can see the Category, Name, Type, Share level, Rating, Favourite status and Availability of the template.
By default, the Letter Templates summary displays a list of all Active templates, which are all fully functional, and ready to be used in examinations in your clinic.
Creating new templatesTo add a new template, click the New Template button. The following window will pop up, which will ask you some preliminary details before the editor.
Once you click Save, the editor will load up as shown.
As explained in the editing a letter article, you are given a number of options to format your letter, along with options on the left-hand side to insert pre-filled data formats.
To filter Letter Templates by Share level (Private, Practice, Community), click the Filter button and select the appropriate option. You can make multiple selections.You can also search templates using the Search field, which will yield results based on name.
Activating/Deactivating Templates
To remove a letter template from your summary, you can deactivate it by changing the status. Deactivating a letter template will flag it as Inactive, and it will be removed from your Active letter templates summary. Conversely, inactive clinical templates can be reactivated and returned to your summary.
For more detailed, please see this article.
Uploading PDF templates
You can also upload your templates in PDF format to the Letter Templates section. Please click here for a more detailed tutorial.
You can favorite certain templates so that they will be easily accessible later when editing Patient Correspondence.
To find out more, click here.
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