Your MediRecords Home Page - The Notice Board
In this article of the Home Page tutorial you will learn how to Create, Edit and Delete Messages, and also how to Filter Messages on the clinic Notice Board.
The MediRecords Clinic Notice Board is used for posting live messages to the other staff at the clinic. Saving the need for internal emails, phone calls or for messages being relayed verbally.
To write a message on the Notice Board, Type a Message in the text area of the notice board, and then click Post.
Your message will then appear on the notice board and be visible to other clinic members.
Edit Messages
To edit a message from the Notice Board, Hover your Mouse over the message you wish to edit and a little Pen Icon will appear.
Click the Pen Icon and a drop-down list will appear with the options of Edit or Delete. Select Edit and the message will transform into a free text box. Click Confirm when you are finished and it will re-post with your edit.
Delete Messages
To delete a message from the Notice Board, Hover your Mouse over the message you wish to delete and a little Pen Icon will appear.
Click the Pen icon and select Delete from the drop-down list.
Click Delete to delete the message and click Yes for the acknowledging message.
*Note: Once a message has been erased from the Notice Board, it cannot be retrieved
The message will now be deleted from the notice board.
Filter Messages
By default, you will be able to see all messages from all users at your clinic on the Notice Board.
To filter which users you will see messages from on your Notice Board, you will need to add them using the Notice Board Filter.
Click Filter to reveal a drop-down list of users.
Tick the box on the Name of the users you want to see on your Notice Board. Users who have a Tick next to their name will be visible on your Notice Board.
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