Clinical - Extended Care
In this article you will learn how to manage a patient's Extended Primary Care (EPC) activities, add new assessments and reviews, and edit, delete, change the status and print existing assessments and reviews.
The Extended Care page in a patient's clinical record displays a summary of the EPC activities recorded for that patient. From within the summary, you can easily see the assessment date, category, name, provider and the duration of the assessment.
To quickly filter the EPC activities in the summary, click Filter to reveal a drop-down list and then choose the Status or Extended Care category, a combination of both options.
To search for an EPC activity, click the Search box and type in a Keyword in the Name of the EPC activity you are searching for. Press Enter and the system will display a list of the closest matches.
You can also search for keywords in the Date, Category and Provider.
To Add a New EPC, click New EPC to reveal a drop-down list of Health Assessments and Reviews.
For example, Click K-10 Assessment to open a K-10 assessment form.
The Add to Today's Notes option to add the assessment to the clinical notes will be automatically ticked, which can be unticked if you do not want it added.
To make the record of the assessment confidential, so that only you can see it, click the Confidential tick-box. To print a copy of the assessment, click Print to open a print preview.
Fill in the form with all the required details, and click Save.
The newly created assessment will now be visible in the Extended Care summary.
To Edit an EPC activity, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click Edit to open the EPC activity form for editing.
Update the form with all the required details, and then click Save.
To Delete an EPC activity, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click Delete to permanently delete the EPC activity from the patient's record.
Click Yes to acknowledge the record will be deleted.
To Delete Multiple EPC activities, click the Tick-box next to the names to reveal a list of options. Click Delete to permanently delete the EPC activities from the patient's record.
Click Yes to acknowledge the records will be deleted.
To Change the Status of an EPC activity, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click Status to reveal a drop-down list, and select Activate or Deactivate.
To Change the Status of Multiple EPC activities, click the Tick-box next to the names to reveal a list of options. Click Status to reveal a drop-down list, and select Activate or Deactivate.
To Print an EPC Activity, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click More to reveal a drop-down list, and click Print to open a print preview.
Check to make sure the page is going to the right printer Destination, select the Layout and Color if required, and then click Print.
For assistance, please contact MediRecords support on 1300 103 903 during business hours or email