In this article, you will learn how to Manage a Patient's Medications
The Medications page in a patient's clinical record displays a summary of both the current and the past medications the patient is or has been on.
- Go to a patients record. Select Medications, this can be found under the Clinical Tab.
- By default, the Medications page lands on a summary of the Current Rx, which means the End Date of the treatment has not yet expired.
- To switch the view to past medications, where the end date has expired, click Past Rx.
- If you are wishing to see who Created or Updated a medication, as well as the date and time each action occurred, you can do this by hovering over the 'i" symbol to the right of the medication itself. This information is always updated automatically and can't be manually changed.
- To quickly filter medications from the Current Rx summary, click Filter and select Status or Management, or a combination of both.
- To search for a prescribed medication, click the Search box and type in Keyword from the Name or Reason. Press Enter the system will display a list of the closest matches.
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