Uploading a new PDF letter template
First, navigate to your letter template resources by selecting More at the top of your MediRecords screen, followed by Resources:
Then select, Letter Templates:
Once selected, you will be brought to a list of your existing active letter templates. To add a new PDF letter template, select New PDF Template:
Once selected, a pop up will appear for you to complete. Enter the templates:
- Category
- Letter Template
- Sharing level
- Name
- Description
Select Browse, this will let you search your desktop or shared drive for the PDF file you'd like to upload. Once a PDF file has been selected, it will begin to upload into your MediRecords account. When you have finished, select Save.
NOTE: If you are uploading a PDF document that's requires mail-merge fields, you must first create the document in a paid version of Adobe Acrobat as a Form using MediRecords mail-merge fields.
Your PDF will then be viewable from your Letter Templates resources:
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