New Consultation Shortcuts
This article will cover what a shortcut is, and how to access, create, modify and find specific shortcuts. A Shortcut is used in consultation notes to quickly add commonly used information into a consult with minimal effort. These shortcuts are saved as a Shortcut Template and accessible from the Today's Notes section of the Clinical Tab in a Patient Record.
When using the created shortcut in Today’s Notes, the system should be able to populate all the content that has been specified in the shortcut to today’s note, as shown in the image below.
If the content contains a clinical template hyperlink, the user should be able to click the hyperlink and the system should be able to display the related clinical template modal.
The user should be able to fill the information on the clinical template
Then once the user clicks the Save button, the system should replace the clinical template hyperlink with the detail of created clinical template as shown in sample below.
Once the user saves the information, it will also update the information displayed in today's note and reflect also in past consultations.
Create New Shortcuts
Click on Shortcuts and click on the Wheel Icon next to the Search Bar.
To start create new shortcut user can click on '+' button at the top
User can fill in the name of the shortcut and can write anything
Add button will be enabled when user has selected 1 clinical template
Clicking on Add button will add the template hyperlink to the text editor.
To save the new shortcut, the user should click the Save button.
Edit Shortcuts
Click on Shortcuts and click on the Wheel Icon next to the Search Bar.
Select existing shortcut title that you want to update.
Click on the pen icon to edit or update the Shortcuts in today's note
The system should populate the existing content of the shortcut in the text editor and the user can make changes including adding new or deleting clinical template hyperlinks to the text editor and can also update the shortcut title.
Click the save button will save the updated shortcut.
Delete Shortcuts
Click on Shortcuts and click on the Wheel Icon next to the Search Bar.
Click on the Shortcut Title bar
Click on the Template Name from the drop-down list. Click on the Minus Icon
Click Yes to confirm deletion.
*Note: Any deleted data cannot be recovered.
Find a Shortcut
To find a shortcut, click on Shortcuts and the Search Bar
Type in all or part of the name of a template and press Enter on your keyboard, or click the Magnifying Glass Icon.
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