This article will explain how to create a script when medication requires authority.
When prescribing medication subsidised on the PBS outside of the default dosage or repeats, or a restricted medication, authorisation is required before this can be prescribed. These scripts are called Authority Scripts.
To learn how to prescribe a medication on the PBS/RPBS, please click here.
When the Type of Medication and Dosage has been selected, as you proceed to the Authority & Pre-existing conditions page with medication, you will be prompted with the following dialogue box. Click Yes to prescribe under an authority.
NOTE: The recommended maximum dosage and repeats of medication are listed with the PBS medication summary on the Dosage screen and Medications screen for New Script.
Enter in any pre-existing conditions in the left field.
Authority items need an Authority Indication (Indication for this Authority) and an approval number to proceed with the prescription.
Certain medications, such as Schedule 8 medications have pre-populated Authority Indications, listed in the PBS Listed Indication Authority field. Click to insert into the Indication for this Authority field.
This is also able to be entered as free text.
The authority number is granted by the Department of Human Services - Medicare by contacting them online or via the hotline number, listed in the top quick bar. Necessary medication details are listed for reference.
Once approval is given, enter the Approval Number (Approval No.), add any further details and click Prescribe > Prescription to prescribe only the current medication or New Prescription to prescribe additional medication for this script.
The new medication will now be visible in the Current Medications list.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at