In this article, you will learn how to view a patient's current and past medications, print and edit existing prescriptions and cease a patient's treatment on a prescribed medication.
The Medications page in a patient's clinical record displays a summary of both the current and the past medications the patient is or has been on. The summary includes details of the drug name, strength, dosage, quantity, repeats, restriction, treatment term, end date and reason.
By default, the Medications page lands on a summary of the Current Rx, which means the End Date of the treatment has not yet expired.
To switch the view to past medications, where the end date has expired, click Past Rx.
The processes for filtering and searching for medications, are the same for both Current Rx and Past Rx. However, you must be searching for medication in the right section - for example, you cannot find a ceased or expired prescription in the Current Rx list.
To quickly filter medications from the Current Rx summary, click Filter and select Status or Management, or a combination of both.
To quickly filter medications from the Past Rx summary, click Filter and select Prescribed or Status, or a combination of both.
To search for a prescribed medication, click the Search box and type in Keyword from the Name or Reason. Press Enter the system will display a list of the closest matches.
To Print a Prescription, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click Print to open the print preview.
Check to make sure the page is going to the correct printer Destination, and then click Print.
To Open a Prescription, hover your mouse over the name of the medication. When the cursor changes to a Finger Pointer, click the Name of the medication.
To Edit a Prescription, click the Tick-box next to name to reveal a list of option. Click Edit to open the prescription form and modify as you see fit.
*NOTE: The base medication in the prescription cannot be altered. Changes are limited to dosage, time of day, start date, reason, etc.
To Cease a Medication before its End Date, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list options. Click Cease Rx to reveal a drop-down form.
Complete the form by adding the Date and the Reason the medication is being ceased. Click Cease Rx to remove the medication from the Current Rx list. The prescription will be moved to the Past Rx list.
If the patient was allergic to the medication, click the Add to Allergies tick-box to expand the form.
The form will automatically be populated with the name of the core Ingredient of the product; however, this can be changed manually. Enter the Nature of Reaction and the Severity and click Cease Rx.
The system will create a record of the allergy and reaction in the patient's list of Allergies, and clinicians will receive an alert if a medication with the same ingredient - even if it has different brand name - is prescribed to the patient.
To Remove a Medication, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click More, then Remove to permanently remove the medication from the patient's record.
Once a medication has been removed, it will not be visible the past medication history. If you just want to move it from the list of current medications to Past Rx, use Cease Rx.
Click Yes to acknowledge the medication will be removed.
To Quickly View the PI (Product Information), or CMI (Consumer Medicine Information) for an existing medication, click the Tick-box next to the name to reveal a list of options. Click More, and then click View PI or View CMI.
The full details of the PI or CMI will open in a new window. To use this feature, you may need to set your browser to allow pop-ups from MediRecords.
For more information about how to allow pop-ups, please click here for Google Chrome.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at