In this article, you will be shown how to use the reporting function in the Patient and Population Health categories of Reporting. Both categories relate to the patient information stored in MediRecords, which can be extracted to populate reports.
- Navigate to More and click Reporting.
- In Reporting, you will see six categories for generating reports out of MediRecords. In this article, we will focus on Patients and Population Health.
The Patients category will allow you to report on metrics such as visits, immunisations, and referrals. Each report heading includes a brief description of the report type.
Similarly, the Population Health category contains report options that draw from patient information such as assessment results and diagnoses.
For demonstration, we will use an example report from each category: the Patient Demographic Dashboard report from patients, and Patient Social Status from Population Health.
Patient Demographic Dashboard
Under the Patients category, click on Patient Demographic Dashboard.
You will be taken to the demographic dashboard, which displays the age range, new patient growth, and geographic distribution.
The default view is all patients in your practice. To change this to Active patients only, click on the Filter button and select Active Patients.
To export this report, click Export and you will be given the option to output either in PDF or Excel.
Patient Social Status
Under the Population Health category, select Patient Social Status.
You will be brought to a number of graphs such as Smoking Status and Alcohol Status.
By default, it will try to display data for Today. To change the time range, click Filter and browse to the option you would like to generate the report for. In this tutorial, we will select "Since 365 Days Ago" i.e. a year's worth.
The report will now display data using the new time range you have selected.
To export one of the graphs - in this case, Smoking Status - click on Export and select either PDF or Excel.
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