This article will demonstrate how to create favourites for your scripts. This will allow you to store prescription details such as dose, frequency, food and instructions for certain drugs.
To create favourites, follow the below steps:
Navigate to the New Rx or Quick Script form in a patient's record.
Search for a product you would like to create a favourite for.
Enter the Dose, Frequency, Food and Instruction, followed by Add to Favourites and Next.
*NOTE: The Standard, Complex and New buttons have been moved out of the drop-down menu, and instead created as tabs across the top of the Instruction pane.
*NOTE: When prescribing it is now mandatory to enter a dose in the dose field, this also applies to your complex instructions, you will still be required to make an entry in the dose field.
You can now choose to prescribe this script, add another, or close the new script form. Click Here for an article on e-prescribing.
To view your newly created favourite, go to the New Rx/ Quick Script form by returning to the patient's record.
Use the drop-down on the left-hand side to view your library of Favourites:
Select the favourite you just created or would like to prescribe, click on the product name and select Next.
Your Dose, Frequency, Food and Instruction will have been stored.
*Please note that Dose is a required field.
Now, you have added your prescription to Favourites and can access it whenever prescribing.
How Do I Re-issue an e-Script Token?
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at