How to Update Patient Contact Details?
In the Demographics section of Patient Details Tab, you can update details such as Addresses (Primary and Secondary), Emergency Contacts, Referrals, and Family members. This article will focus on the contact details you can update in a record.
Open the patient record on the Patients tab and use the search and filter functions to find, then click the name of the Patient.
Within the patient record, you will be shown the following details that can be updated.
- Patient Summary
Details: Including First Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Gender, Ethnicity, ESL Status Notes (administrative), Date of Death, ASTI Status.
- Contact Details: Including Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Work Phone, and Email Address.
Primary Address, Secondary Address, Emergency Contact, Referral, and Family section tabs.
Change any details and click Save to apply the changes.
You are also able to update other details such as Primary Address, Secondary Address, Emergency Contact, Referral and Family. To do this, click on the appropriate section as shown.
When you have made the appropriate changes, click Save to apply them.
To update Referrals please refer to this article.
To update Family Members please refer to this article.