Uploading a Referral to a Patient Record
MediRecords provides several work flows to upload a referral; this article relates to uploading a referral via the Bulk Scan Upload.
If you wish to upload referrals via the patient demographic screen please refer to this article.
If you with to upload a referral while creating an invoice please refer to this article.
Bulk Scan Upload allows you to easily upload your scans, faxes, and other documents into MediRecords. Once documents have been uploaded, they can be allocated directly to a patient as a referral.
Before a document such as a Standard, Non Standard, Indefinite, Lost, Emergency, and Hospital Referral can be assigned to a patient, it must be uploaded to the Bulk Scan Upload.
Follow these steps:
- Click More to reveal a drop-down list
- Click Utilities
- Click Bulk Scan Upload
- Click Upload to open a file explorer window
- Select one or more documents for upload
- Click Open or Select to begin the upload
- Documents being uploaded will be displayed in a Light Blue Progress Bar
- Once a document is uploaded, it will be displayed in a darker shade of blue, with a Tick-box next to it
The selected documents have now been uploaded to Bulk Scan and are ready to be allocated to providers and patient records.
Mark the checkbox next to the document you wish to upload to the patient clinical record.
Complete the required details
- The name of the patient the document is associated with; the document will be created as a referral for this patient.
- Subject line for quick reference.
- The Contact or User the document originated from (this is the referring Doctor).
- The Addressee.
- Documents filed in Referral will be saved as a referral and can be used when Billing.
- Standard, Non Standard, Indefinite, Lost, Emergency, and Hospital Referral will label the document for future reporting, filtering, and searching. These labels are also used to determine effective end dates for referrals.
- Any additional notes on comments regarding the document (optional) .
Once the required fields are filled click Assign. The document will leave the Bulk Scan Upload and be sent to the patient's clinical record as a Referral.