This article will cover how to create and store new health professional contacts for your MediRecords system.
To create a new health professional contact:
1. Go to More then Click Resources
2. Click Contacts
3. Open the Health Professionals
4. Click New to open the new contact form.
5. The new Contact form will be displayed
6. The compulsory details to complete are Title, First Name, Last Name, and User Category.
To ensure the new contact has the appropriate privacy setting, configure this in the Sharing field.
Select whether you want the contact to be exclusive to you (Private), or accessible to anyone within the practice (Practice).
7. Of particular note is the Parent Service Provider field. If the health professional is related to a service provider in your contact list, click it and select the name.
8. It's mandatory to have a Provider Number entered in order to validate and use the secure messaging broker. If you don't have the provider number you can contact or message the HealthLink Provider Directory.
Complete the rest of the form as required and click Save.
The newly created health professional will now appear in your contacts list.
You may also learn how to create a new service provider by clicking here.