In MediRecords, you can create Drug Recipes. This simplifies the clinical workflow with prescribing drugs that are commonly given together to the patient.
1. Click More to reveal a drop-down list and Select Resources
2. Click Drug recipes
3. Click Recipes
4. Click New Recipe
5. You will be brought to the New Recipe form.
6. Complete all the required details.
To add the ingredients, type the first few letters in the Ingredients box. It will list all matching ingredients. Fill the dosage and unit and then click Add.
To add more ingredients, follow the same process - lookup the Ingredient, enter the Strength and Unit, and click Add.
To set Sharing level of Drug Recipe you are trying to create Click box under Share to reveal options
To set Restriction of new Drug recipe Click the box under Restriction to reveal options.
7. Your new recipe is now available for use.
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