Medicare DVA Claims
This article will cover how to generate an invoice for a patient that a hold a Dept. of Veterans Affairs (DVA) card and submitting the claim to the DVA.
It is important to remember to verify the patient's DVA details prior to billing. DVA details are verified using Online Veterans Verification (OVV), which is very similar to OPV for Medicare.
For more information about how to run an OVV check, please click here.
Billing to the DVA is very similar to billing to Medicare. They both use the item codes from the MBS schedule, however the rebate amounts for treating DVA patients are slightly increased.
To process an invoice using Bill to DVA, navigate to the Accounts section of the patient record, and then click Invoices.
Click New Invoice to open the new invoice form.
Complete the invoice with all the required details, making sure that the Bill To field is set to DVA, and the DVA LMO schedule is selected. Please ensure to also fill in the other fields as required i.e. Rooms, Condition.
Once you have completed the invoice, click Claim to submit the claim to Medicare.
Once the claim has been processed, your claim will be visible from the Unclaimed Amount stage from the MediRecords Claiming screen. You can navigate to this screen by selecting Accounts followed by Claiming.
From here you can choose to submit a single invoice for claim or choose to send invoices in batch as part of the one claim. Click the Tick-Box next to the invoices you wish to submit then click Claim.
Review the details of the claim then click Claim.
The claims submission result will be shown, which includes the new claim number and status:
Once submitted, the claim will move to In Progress. While the claim is In Progress, you can view the Process Report by selecting the check-box to the left of the claim, followed by More and View Process Report.
The Process Report will be available in the form of a pop-up that you can choose to print.
*NOTE: The status of the claim, along with information around amount claimed, total paid, outstanding amount and number of Days the claim has been sitting in progress are also available from this screen:
If your claim is taking a while to process, you can choose to manually run the process report in order to retrieve the payment report from Medicare as it becomes available. To do so, first select the check box to the left of claims you would like to run the report for, followed by process:
Select Yes to confirm:
*NOTE: If payment report was successfully retrieved, the claim will move to Claims Completed.
Once the claim has been paid in full (or manually accepted depending on the circumstance) the claim will then move to Claims Completed this week, it's here you will have immediate access to the claim payment report detailing payment date, pay run number and total amount paid:
Similar to the process report request, the Payment Report will appear in the form of a pop-up.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at