Sorting your Service Provider Contacts by Field
Within the Service Providers section, your contacts are organised under various fields. Each field represents a column that can be used to sort.
The name of the service provider.
Provider Type
The type of service they provide.
Displays the city or suburb of the contact.
Displays the Australian state of the contact
Displays the phone number of the contact.
Displays the email address of the contact.
Displays whether the contact is active or inactive in MediRecords.
Displays the privacy setting of the contact within MediRecords.
You can sort Ascending Order (e.g. A to Z) or Descending Order (e.g. Z to A)
To sort, click on one of the columns. In this example we will use Provider Type. A sorted column has three states.
You should now be able to sort your contacts effectively. If this is not what you're looking for, head back to our knowledge base and search for another article.
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