Holidays are the third category of sessions that can be created in MediRecords. This is useful for blocking out time to reflect clinic shutdown periods, or for individual holiday periods taken by your providers. This article will demonstrate this function.
Navigate to More > Settings > Appointments. Within Appointments click on the practice that you wish to book the holiday session for. In this tutorial, we will select MediRecords Admin as an example.
Click on Sessions and select the Holidays tab.
Create Holiday Session
To create a new holiday session, click on New Holiday.
You will be shown the New Holiday form.
To input a holiday session for a provider, select their name from Session Provider, input the Reason, Start Date, End Date then click on Save.
The new holiday sessions created will now show in the Holidays list.
Similar to Regular or Extra sessions, Holiday sessions can be edited or deleted.
To edit a single session, check the box next to the name and click Edit.
You will be shown the edit form. Make the changes as required - in this example, we have changed the Reason and End Date. When you have finished, click Save. If you do not wish to go ahead, click Cancel.
You also have the ability to bulk edit sessions. To do this, select at least 2 sessions and click Bulk Edit.
You will be shown the Bulk Edit form. Note that this is virtually similar to the New Holiday form, but any details entered here will affect all sessions you have selected. When you have finished, click Save.
*NOTE: This is a permanent action and cannot be reversed.
To delete a session(s), check the box next to the name and select Delete.
You will be shown a warning message. Click Yes if you wish to proceed.
If you clicked Yes, the session will be deleted.
Need assistance, please contact MediRecords support on 1300 103 903 during business hours OR email