User Configuration & Preferences
This article will cover how to configure a user's default preferences relating to General, Accounts, Appointments, Investigations, and Billing.
To access your personal Preferences:
1. Click on the Person Icon on the MediRecords menu ribbon.
2. Click Preferences.
To access another user's preferences:
1. Click More at the top of the page to reveal a drop-down list and click Settings.
2. Click Subscription Details
3. Click Users
4. Click the Tick-box next to the name of the user that is being configured, then click Configure.
5. This will bring up the User Configuration Form, which is split into 7 sections. When configuring each of the sections, click Save to finalize the changes you have made.
A) General - General settings for the user
a) Set Default Practice on Login - the default practice MediRecords uses for login
b) Start Up From - the default login page
c) Grid Count - the number of records shown per page
d) Home Page Provider Filter - the provider's details impacting the dashboard widgets
e) Default Patient View - the default patient record page opened when accessing a patient record
f) Default Patient Clinical View - the default patient record clinical page
g) Start Consultation Timer - determines if MediRecords starts the consultation timer when accessing a patient's clinical record
h) Chat Notifications - on or off
i) Default Medical Certificate - select a template to be a default medical certificate if required
j) Default Specialist Referral - select a template to be a default specialist referral letter if required
B) Accounts - The accounts associated with the user for MediRecords account keeping purposes
a) Practice - the practice the accounts listed are associated with
b) Employment Model - the mode of employment the user has with the practice
c) Payee Provider Number - if the user will use the practice's provider number
d) Accounts - the General Ledger accounts associated with the user.
- Income - any income paid to the doctor
- Expense - any expenses the user has incurred for the practice
- Accounts Receivable - the unpaid invoiced amount
- Distribution Account - the uncleared income the doctor has earned
- Bank Account - their associated bank account
C) Appointments - Preferences related to appointments with the user and their default settings for the Appointments Calendar
a) Default Appointment Type - the default appointment type set when making appointments for this user
b) Show Providers with Active Sessions - the Appointments Calendar shows only providers with bookable timeslots available by default
c) Appointment Provider Filter - which doctors can be seen by default when accessing the Appointments Calendar (does not work with Show Providers with Active Sessions)
d) Default Appointment View - the default view for the Appointments Calendar
e) SMS Template - the SMS template used for reminders to patients about appointments with this user
f) Default Send Reminder - the default type of reminder method for patients that have an appointment with this user
g) Check Referral Validity on Appointment - whether MediRecords checks if there is an associated referral with an appointment made with this user
h) Practice List - practices that this provider is available to have an appointment at
D) Investigations - (Clinical & Integrated) The default settings for investigations requests made by this user
a) Default Pathology Provider - the default pathology provider for pathology requests made with this user
b) Default Radiology Provider - the default pathology provider for radiology requests made with this user
c) Default Billing Status - the default requested billing status for investigation requests made by this user to the provider.
E) Invoices - The user's billing preferences
a) Precedence Rule - defines whether MediRecords takes this user's preferences, or the patient being billed
b) Default Schedule - the default schedule used for billing
c) Default Item - the default item that will be auto-inserted when using the Default Schedule
d) Default Fee Type - the default fee type used when using the Default Schedule
e) Invoice Default Term - the default payment terms set on an invoice.
f) Invoice Templates - default templates used when billing
g) Payment Receipt Template - the default template used when generating a receipt
h) Include Referral for Medicare Billing - whether MediRecords requires a referral when billing services to Medicare
i) Show Finalize Account (Integrated Subscription) - whether the user can provide billing details after finishing their consult with the patient
j) Medicare Provider Type - the type of Medicare provider the user is
k) Derive Default Item at Finalize Account (Integrated Subscription) - if an item code is included by default when the user is using the Finalize Account feature
F) Prescribing (Clinical & Integrated Subscription) - The user's preferences when creating a prescription
a) Default Product View - the default way MediRecords allows the user to search for medications when prescribing
b) Prescription Print Type - the template used when printing prescriptions
G) ECLIPSE - The user's agreements with health funds for ECLIPSE billing purposes
More information about how to set up and use ECLIPSE