Creating SMS Templates
This article will cover how to create, edit and delete SMS Templates created in MediRecords.
To do this navigate to SMS templates by selecting More followed by Settings then SMS Template.
The first time you use SMS Templates, the template will appear blank without any content in the message box.
To Create a New SMS Template, click the Plus Sign.
Enter a Name for the template.
Next enter the SMS Content and Merge Fields to create an SMS Message. If the message is the default SMS message being sent to patients, click the Default tick-box. Click Save to save the SMS Template.
If the above SMS template was sent to a patient named Paul, regarding his appointment with Dr John Smith, this is how it would translate into an SMS message:
"G'day Paul. This is a reminder that your next appointment at The Medical Practice with Dr John Smith is on 10/11/2015 at 10:15am"
To create another SMS Template, click the Plus Icon.
An unlimited number of SMS Templates can be created, so that SMS reminders can be sent to patients for a multitude of reasons.
To Edit an SMS Template, click the name drop down and select the SMS Template you wish to edit, then click the Pen Icon.
To Delete an SMS Template, click the Minus Icon.
Click Yes to acknowledge that the SMS Template will be deleted.
*NOTE: The default SMS Template cannot be deleted. De-select the default setting by editing the template.
You've completed another MediRecords Tutorial. You should now be able to create SMS templates. If this is not what you're looking for, head back to our knowledge base and search for another article.
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