Re-submitting a claim
This article will cover how to make adjustments to an invoice and re-submit a claim,. Please be aware that re-submitting a new claim will also generate a new claim number, and the previous claim number will no longer be relevant.
You can navigate here by selecting Accounts from the top of your MediRecords screen followed by Claiming and In Progress
Click the Tick-Box to the left of the rejected claim you would like to re-submit, followed by clicking View Services.
Select the checkbox next to an item you would like to resubmit, this will automatically highlight all items within this invoice. To update this invoice and resubmit, select Re-Submit.
Note: By selecting Re-Submit MediRecords will automatically retrieve any Process and Payment Reports associated with this claim.
You will be presented with a pop-up that reads "Would you like to create a new invoice for resubmission?"
Select Yes.
The original invoice will be fully adjusted and a new cloned invoice will be generated. This new invoice is almost identical to the original, the only updated field will be the invoice number. You can now make adjustments to the invoice.
Once you have finished updating the invoice, select Claim.
This invoice will now appear in the unclaimed amount screen ready to be resubmitted.