Adding Coviu links to your SMS Template
This article will cover how to add the Coviu merge field to your SMS Template to send Telehealth consultation links to patients.
To do this navigate to SMS templates by selecting More followed by Settings then SMS Template.
Once within SMS Templates, please add the merge field
to your appointment reminder template named Default SMS Template by selecting the pen icon displayed below.
Select the Coviu Merge field from the list of merge fields available.
Note: The SMS template must also contain the Provider merge field to ensure the correct URL is populated.
The URL will be populated from the mentioned provider's next available Telehealth appointment with the selected patient.
Once you have completed the SMS template, select Save.
If you have created a new SMS template, you can select this as your appointment reminder default within your configuration settings. To access your configuration settings, click on the Person Icon on the MediRecords menu ribbon, then click Preferences.
Select Appointments, then adjust your SMS reminder template by selecting a new default from the drop-down list, followed by Save.
For more information on how to configure and set appointment reminders, please see the link below.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at