Password Policy
The password policy allows the practice to control password specifications in the organisation for all users.
There are some key features which contribute to the password policy:
1. Custom password requirements
2. Automatic password expiration
3. Prevent password reuse
4. Password lock out after 5 attempts
The specifications are managed under System Configuration. To get here, click More > Settings > Configuration Settings System Configuration > Password Policy.
Custom Password Requirements
There are mandatory requirements when a user creates their password. These are:
1) Minimum password length - can customise the minimum character length between 8 and 20.
2) Requires at least one number
The remaining settings on this page can be customised to suit your organisation, such as needing to include one capital letter and/or one special character.
Select the check box next to the specifications you want to create as a requirement for password creation.
Automatic Password Expiration
You can set up an automatic password expiration by selecting the check box and specifying the amount of days the password should expire after.
Prevent Password Reuse
You have the ability to prevent password reuse by selecting the check box and specifying the amount of days until a password can be used again.
Password Lock Out After 5 Attempts
After 5 attempts with an incorrect password, the user will be locked out and will need to complete a password reset by clicking on Reset Password and following the prompts through their email.
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