Any individual holding a Medicare card, or DVA card, or who is enrolled in Medicare, will have an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI). Individuals who do not have an IHI but would like to get one can do so via Services Australia. More information about applying can be found on their website here.
An IHI is needed for ePrescribing. If a Provider cannot retrieve or validate an IHI for a patient, it means that the demographic details such as Surname, First Name, DOB, and/or Gender, do not exactly match what is on record with Services Australia. Note: this is different to and stricter than the validation involved in a Medicare OPV check.
If the patient has an IHI but validating this is returning a message that "No Individual Healthcare records were found", this indicates the information held by Services Australia does not match what you have entered in MediRecords for that patient. If the patient is unsure what details are currently held, they can contact the Healthcare Identifiers Service on 1300 361 457 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm AEST to check.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at