This article will discuss all aspects of the billing section found within the Security Privileges section of Settings.
Adjustment: Allows access to the Adjustment area in clinical
Bulk Bill Claim: Allows access to bulk bill claiming on the invoice section of patients files
Bulk Bill Payment Report:
Bulk Bill Process Report:
Invoice: Regards access to patient invoices
Patient Claim: Regards access to an online patient claiming ability in invoices
Payment: Regards access to the payment section in invoices
Cancel Bulk Bill Claim:
Disable Adjustment: Disables the ability to create new adjustments whilst still having access to the adjustment area
Disable Payment: Disables the ability to perform any sort of payment whilst still having access to invoices
Hide Claiming: Hides the claiming section from accounts
Hide Claiming > Claims Completed View: Hides Claim completed, one of the three views in the claiming section
Hide Claiming > In Progress View: Hides in progress, one of the three views in the claiming section
Hide Reconciliation: Hides reconciliation section from accounts
Hide Sales: Hide the sales section from accounts
Remove Adjustment - Write Off: Removes the ability to adjust or write off an invoice
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at