In this article, you will learn how to prescribe a drug recipe.
- Inside the patient's record, go to the Clinical Tab
- Go to Medications
- Make sure to be on the Current Rx
- Click on New Rx (Alternatively, you can also click on the Rx icon in the little icons under the Clinical or Dashboard Tab.
- Click on Product Name and select Recipe from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Recipe Name.
- Click the Tick-Box next to the recipe you wish to prescribe, then click Next. The recipe's information will be listed below, like other medications.
- Select the appropriate dosage information and click Next.
Standard, Complex & New Tabs to Replace Drop-down Menu
The Standard, Complex and New buttons have been moved out of the drop-down menu, and instead created as tabs across the top of the Instruction pane.
- Fill in any other relevant information and click Prescribe to prescribe the recipe only or Prescribe and New to proceed to prescribe additional medication.
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at