There may be situations where patients assert that they have not received their ePrescription. To verify that the correct mobile number or email address is recorded in the patient's demographic details, please follow the steps outlined below.
- Inside the patient's record, go to the Details Tab > Demographics.
- Look for the Contact Details and make sure you have the most accurate data.
NOTE: This does not re-prescribe the medication in any form, rather it simply sends the patient another copy of the same e-Script.
If you discover you have accidentally sent the script to the wrong number or email, you are required to then cancel the prescription. Click here if you would like to access an article on how to do this.
If after checking these details and they are correct, you can navigate to the Integrated Audit
(More > Audit > Integration Audit) and search using the SCID number from the e-Script. In this screen, you can 100% confirm where the e-script was sent.
To learn more about Patient Demographics Please Click here: What are Patient Demographics?
To resend an electronic Medication token Please Click here: How do I Re-issue an e-Script Token?