Red rejection claims are those that have not been processed by Medicare due to errors or missing information.
An entire claim may be rejected, and this will be immediately visible by checking the status of the claim in the In Progress section. The status will show in red as Rejected. You can identify that a claim has not been processed by Medicare as there will be no Claim Number in the Claim column. Only once Medicare processes a claim will a Claim Number appear.
To check the reason the claim was rejected, hover your mouse over the small (i) icon. Medicare's reason for rejection will be provided, as well as a suggestion of what to rectify.
To re-submit an entire claim with a status of Rejected:
Firstly perform any recommendations that were in the rejection reason then, tick the claim, and go to More > Re-Submit Claim.
A red rejection claim could appear for one of two reasons:
Option 1: The Practice Has not submitted the HW052 form prior to billing.
Option 2: They have submitted the HW052 form but Medicare has not finished processing it and the practice has prematurely started submitting the provider's claims.
"They need to wait for the confirmation from Medicare that the Provider Provider Number is linked to the practice Minor ID."
Your MediRecords Minor Site ID
If you need further assistance please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at