Ways of Obtaining Approval for Bulk Billing Incentives.
Signature requirements when a patient assigns their Medicare benefit to the servicing provider as full payment for health services.
A. Provider can send out an Email agreement to the patient before the consult, and when they receive a response, need to upload that into the patient record
Follow these steps on how How to Send DB4E Forms to Patients using Email on Demand:
- Open Patient Record
- Create a letter using DB4E Forms template in Correspondence Out and make sure that Status Set to Final, please see this article. How do I Create a New Outbound Letter Using a Template?
- For additional steps in sending Form to patients or contacts using email on demand, please see this article. How to Send an Email to Contacts or Patient.
Given that the email on demand feature in MediRecords supports outbound email only, it's essential to advise the patient to forward the response or the DB4E form to a different email or a third-party email address.
Include the following note when sending the DB4E form.
‘If you (the patient) agree to the assignment of the Medicare benefit directly to the health professional (bulk bill), reply to this email including the following words:
"Yes, I agree to the assignment of the Medicare benefit directly to the health professional, and your (the patient’s) name.’
Upon receiving the form from the patient, Upload it to the Patient Record under the consent tab. please see this article. Consent Tab
B. When seeking verbal consent for telehealth services:
- Open Patient Record
- Create a letter using DB4E Forms template in Correspondence Out and make sure that Status Set to Final, please see this article. How do I Create a New Outbound Letter Using a Template?
- Obtain verbal consent and explain to the patient how you will document their agreement.
- If the patient agrees, type ‘patient verbally agreed’ in the signature field.
- Provide a copy of the form to the patient, ideally by email for record keeping. please see this article. How to Send an Email to Patient.
C. Alternatively, they can create an invoice to get a copy of the Assignment of Benefit (the Print Medicare Statement checkbox needs to be ticked before hitting Claim),
Download the file then Import into Correspondence Out. please see this article. How to Import a File into Correspondence.
Given that the email on demand feature in MediRecords supports outbound email only, it's essential to advise the patient to forward the response or the DB4E form to a different email or a third-party email address.
Upon receiving the form from the patient, Upload it to the Patient Record under the consent tab. please see this article. Consent Tab
More information about the new assignment of benefit and signature requirements for Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) telehealth services is available on the Services Australia website.