Admitting a patient is a crucial step in the healthcare process that involves the formal entry of an individual into a hospital or healthcare facility for inpatient care. The Admissions module plays a pivotal role in this process, facilitating the smooth transition of a patient's first contact through to discharge.
To Access the admissions module - Navigate to the Menu Bar at the left side of the screen.
Add Patient -
The first step in admitting a patient involves capturing essential demographic information, such as name, age, address, contact details, and insurance information. This step ensures accurate identification and establishes a foundation for the patient's record. You need to have added a patient before you can admit them under Admissions.
Our Admissions Module is located in our menu bar under patients.
To add a new patient to the system select the from the shortcuts menu in MediRecords or New Patient from the patient grid.
To add a New patient follow this helpful link - How to add New Patient
Search Patient -
- Under "Admissions," locate and select the "FIND/ADD PATIENT" option.
- To find a specific patient, enter the patient's name in the provided search bar.
- Select the "Search" option to initiate the search process.
- The system will generate a search grid displaying relevant patient matches based on the entered name.
- Once you've located the correct patient in the search grid, select the patient's entry.
- Look for the "plus" icon this is the option to add the patient to the Admissions module.
You will now be presented with the Admission type.
You then need to complete the registration form. It will default to what ever choice you made from planned, urgent, or emergency in the last step. For this example, we will use planned.
Select Planned > Registration form will populate > all fields marked with Red asterisk are mandatory.
- Reason for presentation ( these reasons are hard coded free text is not enabled ) *
- Attending Provider
- Facility *
- Admission Date and Time *
- Room and Bed number
- Save
Once saved presented with a prompt Create Encounter for the Patient
The patient has now been admitted as a planned admission.
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