The System Audit is used to record details of user activity at your clinic, to track changes that are made to patient records in the database and to restore deleted patient records. Here you will learn how to change what is visible in the audit-trail by using the filter, search for events using keywords and date ranges, details of what can/ cannot be audited, how to restore a patient record and how to print the events displayed in the audit-trail.
The Audit trail for your practice is located in the More menu, which is the sixth tab in the MediRecords application.
The Audit function records an audit-trail of the day-to-day activities performed by MediRecords users at your clinic and can be filtered by the user (My Audit or Practice Audit) or type (Security, Clinical or Other) by selecting the appropriate option from the filter dropdown menu.
This audit displays the following:
- All updates to patient information
- Change to user status and subscriptions
- All login and logout activity
- For all updates captured you will be able to view previous patient details by clicking the here link
- To quickly access the patients, record to which the change was applied to click the patient's name hyperlink.
- In the event that a patient record or part of a patient's record e.g. immunisation record is deleted you will have the option to restore as per below:
- Changes to user categories
- Changes to security roles within your practice
The Audit Tab is divided into two categories (a) System Audit and (b) Integration Audit.
To open the System Audit Trail, Click More to reveal a drop-down list, and click Audit.
*NOTE: All Users can access the Audit Trail regardless of Security Settings, Security Role or Subscription Settings.
- By default, the System Audit page will display a summary of your (current user or My Audit) activities in the audit trail.
- Additional users can be added to the view by using the Filter and selecting Practice Audit.
- Date, Time and Description of the event, the Type of category of the event, and the User that performed the action.
- To Filter Events in the System Audit Trail, click Filter to reveal a drop-down list, and select a filter under the headings User or Type, or a combination of both. The type of events being displayed in the audit trail will have Tick next to its name.
- To Filter the Audit Trail by Date Range, click Start Date and select the start date. Click End Date and select the end date. Press Enter and system will refine the audit trail to display only events that occurred between the two selected date.
- To Search the Audit Trail, click the Search-box and type in a Keyword from the description. Press Enter and the system will display a list of the closest matches.
- To Print the Audit Trail, click Print to open a print preview.To Print the Audit Trail, click Print to open a print preview.
*NOTE: Clicking Print will print the Audit Trail that is displayed on the screen only. This way, you can print the results of the searches and filtered views of the Audit Trail. If you need to print multiple pages on the Audit Trail, you will have to print each page individually.
- Check to make sure the page is going to the right printer Destination, select the Layout and Color if required, and click Print.
- To Navigate Between Pages, scroll the bottom of the page, and use the directional arrows and page numbers to navigate the Audit Trail.