- From Patient Accounts, click Payments.
- Click the Tick-Box next to the payment(s) you wish to refund, click More and Refund.
- Confirm the Refund Date, Reason and Reference of the refund, click the Tick-Box next to the payment(s), confirm the amount from each payment you wish to refund and click Refund.
- Click Yes to confirm.
- The refund has now been made and is visible from the Payment Detail by clicking the Triangle next to the payment.
- A payment made using a Deposit that has been refunded will be available for re-allocation. The available balance will be adjusted to reflect the refunded amount, and the status will be updated to indicate the current state. The expanded view will be updated to include the adjustment number in which the payment refund was performed, alongside the relevant invoice.
If you would like to know more about accounts, then please click here: Patient Accounts