A Consent tab has been added to the patient profile, displaying the Consent that has or has not been provided in relation to their medical care.
Navigating to the Patient Record, within the tabs > select Consent.
Consent can be recorded for all of the following:
- Privacy policy
- Procedures and Operations
- To send information, and correspondence to other providers and facilities
- Ongoing Care after a patient has passed.
- Financial Consent for upcoming costs
To create a New Consent > select New Consent
There are six mandatory fields to be filled out when creating a New Consent.
- Consent By
- Provider
- Status
- Scope
- Category
- Start date
Patient (pre-filled from the current record).
Created date (prefilled from record creation).
Consent By - Drop-down: Patient, Parent, Guardian, Other
Provider - Consent provided to which person?
Status - Drop-down: Active, Draft, Entered in Error, Inactive, Proposed, Rejected.
Scope - General type of consent: Privacy, Treatment, Research, ADR (Advanced Directive).
Category - drop-down specific Consent type
Provision - Yes / No - did the patient give consent for this? Declined consent should still be recorded against their Patient record.
Start Date - Mandatory date field - determines the day that the consent starts.
End Date - Non-Mandatory date field, can be used to show end-date if there is one, or left blank to show persisting (similar to the referral).
- File upload - upload an attachment to consult up to 20 per record with maximum file of 20mb.
Comments - free text, enter any information required up to 500 characters.
*NOTE: A consent cannot be deleted, you can however make it Inactive.
The Consent Grid
To edit the consent - tick next to the consent on the left-hand side and click Edit.
To export - tick next to the consent and select Export
Grid Filters
You can filter the Grid by selecting the criteria you wish to define.
- Provider
- Status
- Scope
- Category
- Provision
Click the hyperlink more information about File Upload in Consent Record.