The Transaction Report will extract comprehensive information about your financial transactions including the transaction date, transaction type (including invoice, payment, refund, write-off creation and deletion), monetary amounts (including GST breakdown, if applicable), as well as all Item, Payer, Patient and Provider details.
1. Navigate to the More menu > Reporting > Financial.
2. Click on Transaction Report.
In the Transaction Report window shown below, you can type the name of a Practice or select multiple or All Practices from the drop-down list.
You can also type the name of a Provider or select multiple or All Providers from the drop-down list.
Select Transaction Types, select Invoice, Payment, Write Off, Refund or a combination of these.
Select the From and To dates.
Click Export to Excel. You can then filter the results as needed from Excel.
If you need further assistance, please contact support on 1300 103 903 or email at